One more DAY

That was the time, I got up from my relaxing chair, Just trying to peep out on my windows, To feel the calm breath , With those tiny bluish eyes, I wonder to see the working world, There was the cat sitting on the bench, Behind the road and those bushy trees, Few miles away was that gardener, Those purple tulips looked serene, So was the road vendor busy with his business, He had those shiny tomatoes, With an expression of selling it off, And the child caught me up, His mother holding his hand, Gearing him up for school, In the middle of road, That skinny couple on with themselves, Looked starting the flowing day, Of love,care, togetherness, That fat man, Rolling on with the count of money, With the fraction of seconds, Moved that Porsche 911 Carrera S, It was just to disturb that calm ambiance, Here i was on my wooden window with those crystal clear window panes, Outside look gave me a day to my one more day.....