
Showing posts from March, 2016
I don't want this day to forget, Where and when I came to know the reality , A devil I believe so, A person who makes fake relation , A selfish person, A person who gets into influence of others , A person who thinks Wat he do is correct, A person who wants me to leave all other relations, A person who can never talk polite, A person who is no more my husband but a father to my son....


After praying long, Still I am in delusion , Ya RAB help me..... A decision which z far good far better, Which can get that respect back, Which can get that love back...If we rejoin.


A decision to be taken, My hand are shaked, My lips have become mum , The reality behind it.. I have just started to hate you, A level of tolerance is quite above now, But still not all to decide, Conditions and things in my mind, Stops me from thinking, I want to decide sooner, So is the distance between you and me now, I don't see a light , Where this relation can be rejoined , Y am I compromising , Is it Coz we have son , I have family behind me. Make it a point ,not Atleast for u... Coz I have started to hate you..... If the distance grows more , More will I hate you.... I don't know y I am mum, Y I am not able to decide, I need to decide sooner, Allah help me ,I need the power to decide further, I can't stay like this... Allah plz help..... P.S:-A big misunderstanding between us.