
Showing posts from January, 2011

The death bed.

That's so far away, The redish color all around, Unimaginable world Just lined by others, Can be white to some, So can be Grey to others, The body gets deceased, And the soul flies, Weathered leaves there and here, Can be sunny , Or so can it be chilly, Below the digged earth, Or moving in the yamuna, Fiddling in  one's thinking , No more family to look on, All alone in the dark room, The hurdling voices , Joining of new world, Do it be bad, Or a posh, All the deeds published there, No more hard work to perform, Only the time to calculate, Just an aerial view of ur loved one's, No more flattering, Anywhere and across those seven sky's, Shining dull or bright......

Miss my MOM.

The tender touch on my cheeks, That soothing lap, Those kind words, That special attention, Mascot for me, Oh i miss that tight hug, Those soft kisses, Spoon feeding , Concern for everything, P.S:- I am speechless ,cant write more.Just miss her like anything...Have never been so far from here..I miss everything of my home,every member.....I love yuh all. P.S.S:-Insha allah will see you soon after few months..We i will fly to India.
A way to move, Lille smooth... little rough Scary angle on other side, Giggle sound .......the tears sprinkling down, Pink dress and a is the white dress all over, Oh that green grass and the dew drops.......the barren of insight, Sunset in the open sky.............hisssshh and the dark way, Beautiful life.......unworthy materialistic , A friend all one to listen the tale. Black and white...but true.