The death bed.

That's so far away,
The redish color all around,
Unimaginable world
Just lined by others,
Can be white to some,
So can be Grey to others,
The body gets deceased,
And the soul flies,
Weathered leaves there and here,
Can be sunny ,
Or so can it be chilly,
Below the digged earth,
Or moving in the yamuna,
Fiddling in  one's thinking ,
No more family to look on,
All alone in the dark room,
The hurdling voices ,
Joining of new world,
Do it be bad,
Or a posh,
All the deeds published there,
No more hard work to perform,
Only the time to calculate,
Just an aerial view of ur loved one's,
No more flattering,
Anywhere and across those seven sky's,
Shining dull or bright......


Ritika said…
you are my ideal! fab u write! :))
Escapist said…
Oh thnku ritika....

Anonymous said…
2 things..
You still write verses that definitely have a stroke of color themes in them..
And secondly, your verses have become more meaningful and well written...
Nice to see you here again!!
Hope you remember me...:) Keep blogging..I will keep following!!
Jack said…

Read all pending poems. Deep hidden emotions put into words so well. You do miss your home town too apart from your near & dear ones.

Take care

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