To what we call soul mates

Is it me who is thinking this way or i have the world beyond me who has the same mind setup.Can real ideal couple be seen around? Or we are just trying to get fit into the place where we think we are really so called "ideal couple "...oh common i must say "wake up and smell the coffee".This is the perfect truth of our lives where we see into the mirror and find a different personality and for a while think is that real ME.The tough roads have made me more soft,though i used to consider my self as hard marble.who knows when i became sand mountain.Do we both need to compromise for a better life or its just me who has to knot the feelings and wisdom of my life.Perfectly yes its a female gender who at the final race says "Enough i am done"....oh i mean she only compromises where she keeps her whole trust on her partner.Not being rude all males are chauvinism character which they take out on a women especially their life partners to show where do they stand exactly and how they are? Even if the female has every capability to stand against him and moreover they are equall in every perspect.A single emotion,may be a motherhood,may be a loyal daughter,or can be the obedient daughter makes her to bow her ego/self respect.Oh i guess i am wrong here,its that allah has created her so to mould in that situation where a male nulifies himself.


Shadow said…
I don't not believe in 'soul mates'. I believe it to be part of the early intense love/lust feeling. Yes, we find those who are more compatible than others, seek the one's who can 'cover' our weakness, they we 'cover' theirs. Give and take. But to have the trust and faith in another to fill that role, that takes a lot of guts...

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