Forgiveness Transforms

we all have past-a-store house of good and bad memories;and carry on emotional baggage of "Stress and strain"taht is full with variety of hurts,resentments or anger against others who have "Wronged us".we let these unpleasant and unfiar actions remain in our mind for a life time.
These resentments and other negative emotions eats us up inside,cause physical ailments and has a direct affect on our health;it has psycological cost also;in terms of stress,hostility,strained relationships and so forth.
It is not easy for us to forgive others.forgiveness is a transformational process that takes some effort;especially ,when we feel that we have a good reason to be upset with other persons.
The ability,compassion and wisdom to forgive are great attributes anyone can posessess and exercise.We should understand what forgiveness means;it does not mean "Turning the other cheek";It does not mean that we should condone what was done;nor does it means that we have to trust that person again.
When we forgive evil we do not excuse it,we do not tolerate it.The value of forgiveness is for us.Freeing from past enables us;to live more,love more and more forward with a lighter load and attract more optional future.
You are right..Forgiving someone is tough thing...but if practised and implemented, it makes your mind free of all become free of all burdens that you should not carry.....You become free birdie....
Whole sky is then your....
Smiles :)