Introspection Needed..

Monday night as usall when i was going through local newspaper GK,i thought to read editorial blog and i was shocked to read such kind of news.It gave me horible look of the world coming up,i cant even think for a while of dead girlz parentz.Next day the whole valley was in rush to take the rally against such kind of boyz,It was a dastardly act. It has shocked the civil society.

The murder of a young girl on her way to tuition by two car borne eve-teasers by running their car over her in a posh locality is perhaps the first ever such incident in our society. The incident which undoubtedly is the tip of the iceberg of the rot that has struck our social fabric at each and every level should lead the entire society to introspection for identifying the causes of waywardness in a section of our youth. It is true that a section of our youth has turned into bounders and bovver boys and is given to to drugs and smoking but it would be wrong to dub our entire young crop as scoundrels. There are youth who not only cherish high moral values but are committed to their faith. This section of youth not only upholds the principles of humanity but works dedicatedly for reforming the society. There are young men who are devoted to their studies and have succeeded in carving a niche of respectability for themselves in a highly competitive age. There are young men who are dedicated to sports and have been earning laurels and respectability for their nation. Truth is that it is minuscule of the generation that has been contributing to the decadence of the society and seen in right perspective it is the lack of parental attention and moral education that is responsible for incidents like crushing of young girls under wheels or knifing of a yet another girl by a youth in the same locality last year. The parents belonging to upper class and middle class who have been giving their children cars and lots of money without monitoring their activities are responsible to a large extent for incidents like the one that occurred on last Monday but there are children belonging to the lower middle class also who are also given to drugs and other bad habits for the lack of moral education at their homes and in their schools. The moral education continued to be taught in school till the recent past and it was surprisingly removed from the school under the pretext preserving the secular fabric of the society. Whosoever has been responsible for removing religious and moral education from the school syllabi could not be friend of Kashmir society that is built on a centuries old moral pedestal. It goes without saying that removal of moral education at school or its not being imparted at home is responsible for the waywardness in our youth and decay in our society. While there is need for pleading for introduction of moral education in our education not only as optional but as a compulsory subject there is greater role for the civil society for repairing the ruptured social fabric. The civil society shall have to play a role in launching a war against drug peddling and do a kind of moral policing and impressing upon the government for ensuring closures of all centers of immorality in the society. The religious leaders in the past have played an important role in reforming the society they need to reinvent this role and work in tandem with the civil society for fighting moral degeneration in our youth and prevent repeating of such happenings in future.

But if we think its aal iolence against women.A large number of girl students, women teachers sat on sit in protest against increase in crime against women in the city of Srinagar in particular and the valley in general. Some women expressed grave concern about the safety of women at homes and in market places and looked forward towards the civil society for combating this grave menace. The question arises is this growing incidence of violence against women in Kashmir an aberration of our civil society or it testifies the decadence that has set in our society for the loss of its values. The flamboyance in a section of our youth that has been founding expressions in eve teasing and other acts of violence against women outside the educational institutions and other place is out rightly an aberration of our neo-rich society. This aberration can be checked to a large extent by teachers, parents and law enforcing agencies. The teachers and parents have an important role to play by scanning the activities of their students and children. The law enforcing agencies have an important role to play by increasing vigil around the educational institutions. The loss of values in our society is one of the important reasons for crime against women in our society. True, the term `violence against women’ is wide ranging that collectively refers to the violent acts that are primarily or exclusively committed against women.

Thousands of people made a community against such act and for the justice of girl,all newspaper,network sites like face book all revealing the justice for the girl and the demand of hangig these two boys in the middle of the valley.....Every body pasted their comments,we are trying to get more and more of opinions before steeping in the punishement for the boyz...Plz paste this link where ever you people can i adjure you to make this news all thorugh and give girl the justice.

P.S:-May almighty give peace to her soul.


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