Distances ,

Those early morning rays,
Bed tea,
Song in modulation,
Whooshing sound by tree leaves,
Waves and tides,
Coconut  tree at the bank,
Small boat roaring across,
Wooden bridge,
Hanging tress,
Park in front of window,
Road side bench,
Those sandy beeches,
Road aside those kids,
Far away that old couple ,hand in hand,
Bike ride,
On lonely road,
Summer  rain,
One single blanket,
Missing candle night dinner,
Dark night,
Morning breeze.....

Makes me to remember the far away distance between


Yellow Tulip said…
very nice dear. loved it and the pic too!
It's funny I've just received an email with a PPS attachment with that picture in it... Which was taken in my loely country, Canada. Such a beautiful photo!

Very nice post. =)

Kay said…
that bring us back to one another... great sentiment
Anonymous said…
Felt so romantic as I reviewed the verses..!
The picture just fell in sync with the poem exotically...:)
Amazing work!
Serg Riva said…
wooden bridge, haning trees
Anonymous said…
The photo is very refreshing.. and at the same time indeed reminds one of a distance away from home or from someone or something. Beautiful post. :)
The picture and your lovely poem transports me to another world. I feel so refreshed, and at the same time makes me long... Well done :-)
Am really glad I visited your space!

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Keep writing :-)
Forget to mention, this poem does justice to your pseudonym :D

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