Million dollar picture....

If i  would ask you people to look on this picture and extract some words for it........This is awefull picture with endless significances......

                                                 Pain with a smile,
                                                 Looks unearthly,
                                                 Those boats in rain,
                                                 Looks uncertain.........
                                     But it's truth,we deny it always.......
                                     Be mortal , and handle the situation beautifully...

P.S:- OSHO the writer speaks truth.....


Mads... said… sweet pic..yes many conclusions can b drawn..nd luved urs..nice read..:)
Syed said…
I immediately think of how happy the colours are and how cute they are as small boats. It makes me think of childhood.
nostalgic, magical, fairy-like, and wishful come to mind. ^. ^
Anika said…
I actually love this picture (yes, I'm an eternal optimist). To me it represents a fresh start, the washing away of all the "grime". And I love the paper sailboats....they float in a tide much like the dreams and aspirations on the young.

Fabulous picture...inspirational as all hell :)
Yellow Tulip said…
very inspiring:)...lovley pic:)..jus reminded me of makin such boats n playin in rain...:).thank u dear:)

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