
Had there been a living,
That's what my perception says,
A complete blind earth,
Out of the reflections,
Fawning moments,
Evanescing seconds of life,
Insalubrious relations,
Dry lump of sand,
Spine-chilling dreams,
Foundered put up,
Bemused mind of state,
Goose bumps up,
Unverbalized expressions,
Fullof incertitudes...................


Hey there:),

Well, first of all i would like to thank you for leaving me a comment. Truthful commentaries help better understand the way others perceive what i constantly express.

Your blog, without doubt, is truly impressive, that's why i feel obliged to thank you for giving me the chance to view it.

Feel free to browse my blog whenever you want and i promise to do the same and provide you with genuine comments:).
I love this, it's so beautiful and full of emotions
Jack said…

I had to read it couple of times to grasp what you want to convey. I feel you are little too pessimist looking at darker side of picture. However good composition with depth.

Take care
Escapist said…
@ Jack ---i was just browsing my photo gallery and choose this picture----But dont know y i am becuming pessimist...

Syed said…
I know the feeling, it really it quite a moment.
Jack said…

Eid Mubarik.

Wish I could send e-card.

Take care
Escapist said…
@ jack---thnkx fr the Eid wishes...
HaRy!! said…
wel i had to get a dictionary to interpret...but then after that realised it was soo emotional!
Hi! I thought this was dark but very interesting. And that picture really goes with it..

Your blog is fabulous! I follow it now! :)
Escapist said…
@ Blue----Oh thnku....

Ramesh Jhawar said…
Saw your comment on my blog!Thanks very much! I was wondering how you found my blog! Do you paint too?
Cheers :)
Calli said…
Intriguing words and choice of image.
... very deep!

Perspectives said…
either these lines are deeper than it appears or i am imagining things...

loved it anyways!
Amit Kumar Das said…
This world is the world we live in .... this world is the world we trudge on, this world is the world we create within ourself, to fit to the world we live in .... nice post .... keep walking!!!

BTW....thanks for stopping by... :)
Escapist said…
@ Ramesh--i would love to paint....

Suvi said…
i just found another dreamer and her dreams are really unique!..
awesomely knit and beautifully written!..
Escapist said…
@ Suvi----oh loadz and bundles of thankx...


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